The C-word

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The C-word

Post by Robsey »

I know you are sick of it by now, but we are in the midst of mass hysteria.

On behalf of the forum, I can confirm that I have washed my hands and alco-wiped my keyboard and mobile phone screens regularly to help ensure that none of you are exposed to un-necessary germs.

I have read the official NHS England blurb, and frankly, forgotten most of it.

However as a responsible forum, it is our job to put forward the following statement...

Bulk Buying -
I am encouraging everyone not to go crazy and buy 5 of every non-essential Cavalier part, "just in case".
Such hoarding is just over reacting and fool-hardy.
although I know that James is probably the worst for buying up half of Vauxhall's ex-stock and new-old-stock.
But then he has more Cavaliers to care for than most.
Please buy responsibly and leave some Cavalier parts for the rest of us. :P

Self-Isolation -
Now is a good time to have two weeks self-isolation, which can be put to good use preparing your Cavaliers for the show season. 8-)
Remembering it is two weeks for family units, but only one week if you are a "billy no mates".

Hygiene -
It is expected that people have been able to wash effectively before, however get better practice with a thorough cleaning regime, by giving your Cavaliers that long over due detailing that they deserve. :cool

On the upside, the roads are lovely and clear for my commute to and from work every day.
So thanks for staying at home and leaving the roads clear for the rest of us. :thumb

On a more sensible note...
As an NHS clinician myself, I am going to be frank and honest.

For all other activities - do not believe the hype of social media and the crazy news broadcasts.
It is perfectly acceptable to live pretty much as if it is "Business as Usual".

My advice is wash as you have done for countless years, just like your parents taught you.
And use common sense - for 90-odd % of people it is no different than Man-flu or a normal flu, and so no more life threatening.

There is a huge difference on news broadcast provided guidance and NHS internal instructions.
I am still running out-patient clinics for another week, and carrying out home visits well into the spring...
despite all of my client base being considered as "vulnerable" or "at risk".
Like I said - business as usual.

At worst, I may be drafted in to assist on the isolation wards at any of the Manchester and Trafford hospitals.
But my internal sources report that any affected people are pretty much well contained and everything is under control.

If you must self-isolate,
Ensure that you have access to your favourite forum, ample beverages and health-conscious snacks.
"Be Safe Out There!!" ;)
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Re: The C-word

Post by James McGrath »

Couldn't agree more. Frequent Cavalier washing is the only sensible course of action to take at this juncture!

And just 'Keep buggering on' as Churchill once said.

Serious note about bulk buying, it really doesn't help anyone. If we all just carried on buying what we normally do there will be plenty for everyone.
Buying more than you need only causes shortages for those in need. If you are self isolating then use a delivery service and buy only your usual amount rather than stock up for an apocalypse.
So please, only one 5l bottle of GM oil per customer. :lol:
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Re: The C-word

Post by Cavalier342 »

Unfortunately we live in a highly selfish anti social society so the majority simply don't give a toss. Just means that those of us who want to swing by the supermarket to get a jar of coffee and some peanut butter can't get those items because the shelves are empty. Panic buying should be classed as a criminal offense, because it's effectively robbing people of the ability to get basic essentials just because someone with a bigger wallet and a smaller brain got there first. If you end up buying a hundred packs of pasta and bog roll and you end up dead, you won't be needing those items. But unfortunately they don't think like that.

It's always everyone out for themselves. Always has been and always will be. Well I'm perfectly fine with decking someone in a supermarket who I see has 10 items which I only need one of in their trolley, because until they have paid for it, it ain't theirs. So be aware panic buyers, don't get in my way.
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Re: The C-word

Post by Robsey »

I am sure that they only need to worry if they have your share of cider or pizza.


I am buying as normal without too much difficulty.
As for my cavalier... sadly that is also being "self isolated" until I get chance to do some jobs on it.
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Re: The C-word

Post by iangsi »

The press are to blame for most of the hype & scare mongering it's mad down here shops with empty shelves, having to go to 2 or 3 different shops to get what you need. Forcing you to buy stuff when you see it or you don't get anything, what makes me mad is they are buying fresh fruit & veg and are probably not going to eat it & end up throwing it in the bin. A friend of a friend works in Tesco told us when they opened for the pensioner only hour it was like trolley wars arguing, pushing & shoving in the aisles.Total madness :scratch :scratch
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Re: The C-word

Post by Robsey »

iangsi wrote:...... works in Tesco told us when they opened for the pensioner only hour it was like trolley wars arguing, pushing & shoving in the aisles.Total madness :scratch :scratch
Yep, my younger nephew does security at a Tesco shop in a rough part of Manchester.
He reports that the pensioners have emptied all the shelves within 30 minutes of the shop opening, after the shelves were fully re-stocked over-night.

As your local NHS pawn...
This is how I see things.

Most are obvious...

You should be washing anyway after many activities such as :-
Handling many foods,
Getting visibly dirty,
Any personal hygiene tasks, and toileting.

Alco-gels and wipes will only work if your hands are visibly clean.

Do wash regularly, but do not over-use harsh anti-bacterial or similar soaps and gels. (Sanitizers).
It will potentially cause a lot of skin issues.

Good effective washing in running water with a kinder hand wash will remove most hazards from your skin, without stripping the oils and causing you skin to crack or break into a rash.

Only self Isolate if you or a person you live with are showing symptoms.

Isolate for 7 days if you live alone.

Isolate for 14 days if you live with someone else.

This is not "The day of the Trifids".
You do not need to actively avoid other people... just use common sense and don't take un-necessary risks.

Only take "every precaution" if you or a person you live with has a moderate to severe underlying illness / weakness.

Anything much more above and beyond that is probably public panic propaganda.

The phrase that pays...

Just use your common sense.
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Re: The C-word

Post by James McGrath »

Yep, once someone says that something is running out it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as everyone then goes out and buys that item!

All a bit mad really, a bit like the stock market!
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Re: The C-word

Post by Robsey »

Well I am now officially on standby to assist the discharge and isolation teams in the central and south Manchester hospitals.

Just awaiting my new orders. :shock:

These are bizarre times.
I was wrong... this IS like "The day of the Trifids" :evil: :evil: :evil:

Just checking my social spacing...
Sorry my arms are not long enough to stay six feet away from my smart phone.

Thankfully only minimal shopping disruption, without having to use NHS priority shopping slots. :D

It does help that I already have loo rolls and that I don't drink alcohol. 8-)
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Re: The C-word

Post by Robsey »

I suppose the down side to all this is that all meets will probably be cancelled this year.

At best for 3 months, but at worst... until Christmas / New Year.

So a very boring motoring calendar in 2020.
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Re: The C-word

Post by 3cav3 »

I had tickets for the nec restoration show this weekend, obviously this was cancelled but the new dates are the 7-9 th August. Hopefully it sounds promising for it to be over before to long. I thought at the moment the government was planning to use the nec as a hospital.
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Re: The C-word

Post by Robsey »

Indeed the NEC is being used as a temporary hospital.

There is also one in London and one in Manchester.

I would hope things will settle by June...
The term is -
Plan for the worst...
Hope for the best...

It is obvious that things will be somewhere between.
At a pinch, VauxFest may go ahead in September...
but I don't expect VBOA in July to proceed

I have quite a lot of leave due before the end of June.
It may be a good idea to cancel it if there is bog-all else to do.
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Re: The C-word

Post by 3cav3 »

I work for a small business, so have had to postpone my holiday leave in order to try and bring as much money in to try and stop bankruptcy. As the work has dropped off and to protect everyone's health we've sent the one lad home. At the moment he's getting full pay, but it maybe soon that we have to drop him to 80percent pay, paid for by the government, the only other option will be to lay him off. Ive even been working Saturday s for free to try and carry the firm to the other side.
Working from home is not an option as the lightest machine weighs 250kg and the heaviest 3.5 tonnes. So we are doing our best to stay 2 metres apart and disinfecting everything that it touched.
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Re: The C-word

Post by Robsey »

It is tricky for everyone.
I am sure there are things available to help businesses get through, with payment holidays and stuff offered to small companies by many of the banks.

Although I have financial security, I don't enjoy the prospect of stepping up to help those on the front lines.
I will do what is required, but I admit to being more than a tad nervous.

Fear of the unknown, if you like.
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Re: The C-word

Post by ilovedmymantas »

The unknown indeed.
My local shop has fitted counter to ceiling Perspex.

Thank you for supporting, do you have masks, gloves & visor ( if you don't wear glasses)?
" It's not rust. It's age-related patina " ;)

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Re: The C-word

Post by cavalier1990 »

Getting on with some car work during this lockdown thing, it's funny I've nothing else to do so all hands on the car deck. Although in saying that I did have a bit of a cold recently, don't think it's the COV thing, usual seasonal sniffles, had to stay off work for a while anyway as just to be sure, their policy is 7 days off and any extra time if you are still not feeling right.

Had to change the fuel sender cover on my omega as it was rotten, and has been for some time, i think it wouldn't have been too long till one of the inlet pipes started leaking.

Also done the cavy with clay bar and waxed it, then hoovered all the insides out as I'm sure something was starting to grow in there! Hope everyone is keeping safe etc.
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Re: The C-word

Post by Robsey »

ilovedmymantas wrote: Thank you for supporting, do you have masks, gloves & visor ( if you don't wear glasses)?
Thank you for your kind words.
I am still waiting to support.
The most likely recipient of my services could be the "G-mex" in Manchester.

Spent all day doing yet more training courses for in preparation.
cavalier1990 wrote: Had to change the fuel sender cover on my omega as it was rotten, and has been for some time, i think it wouldn't have been too long till one of the inlet pipes started leaking.

Also done the cavy with clay bar and waxed it, then hoovered all the insides out as I'm sure something was starting to grow in there! Hope everyone is keeping safe etc.
Do you want to hoover and clay bar my car...?
It is a bit of a minger at the moment.
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Re: The C-word

Post by cavalier1990 »

Lol, I'm afraid to say it's just made the imperfections more visible, however it's now nice and silky smooth, it did remove a ton of tar spots, hundreds clumped round fuel filler neck for some reason!

It really stands out how bad the paint is and how much it needs a respray. The top coat of the paint is literally almost gone off the roof, the bit just above the windscren in front of sunroof!
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Re: The C-word

Post by Robsey »

Oh eck!!
I think they call it "an honest representation of it's age".

Mine looks very dusty and unloved.
Wearing a fetching coat of sahara sand, that appeared during those 5 or 6 days of cold but sunny weather.
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Re: The C-word

Post by Robsey »

Robsey wrote: Thank you for your kind words.
I am still waiting to support.
The most likely recipient of my services could be the "G-mex" in Manchester.
It is all getting quite real now.

Last practical moving and handling refresher session on Tuesday afternoon.

I am then going onto a general medical Ward on Wednesday for formal training and shadowing.
No idea what I will be doing.
I don't even know how long the shift will be... 8 hours? 12 hours? Who knows?

Then expect to get my deployment orders before good Friday.

Not sure if I will be deployed onto that ward for at least three months, or to the 500 bed "field hospital" at GMex from the 12th April 2020. (Easter Sunday).

I admit that I am quite anxious... only a fool wouldn't be.

To be honest, I think my role is only to fill a gap left on a low risk ward by a fully trained person who is preparing to go closer to the front line.
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Re: The C-word

Post by Mk3alan »

Wish you well Robsey, NHS staff I think the whole country would agree are doing a fantastic job in these very stressful times, often it seems without additional protection.
My son is in the armed response police unit and I have bought a pack of masks for his squad as they have had no additional protection supplied!

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Re: The C-word

Post by thomas »

cough cough cough cough Cough! Oh that's better!

I've a few 3M masks bought a while back for rubbing down filler, and a more elaborate one with valves and replaceable cartridge for painting with acryclic and cellulose paints and laquers. I'm I bit too self-consciious about wearing one on the permissible trips out to the shops. Surely riding a motorbike solo in the Kielder Forest and environs is a form of social-distancing?
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Re: The C-word

Post by Robsey »

thomas wrote:Surely riding a motorbike solo in the Kielder Forest and environs is a form of social-distancing?
Not judging, but as you ask -
going for a bike ride is not a form of exercise nor an essential trip.

But it also depends on how many other people decide to visit the Kielder Forest as to whether it is considered effective social distancing.
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Re: The C-word

Post by thomas »

It's more for mental-health I'm thinking of, much more of this and cabin-fever is going to set in. I never take the bike out on weekends anyway, and it isn't nearly sunny enough for my liking, but the first weekday which has a decently clear sky and a bit of sun and the pressure will be almost irresistible. The parts I go to no-one ever goes anyway, ever, that's the attraction. It's either that or on the 'puter spotting all the typos in my online posts I can't sort as the edit button does nout for me.

My afternoon is mapped out searching through boxes, cupboards, everywhere, for two bottles of (different strengths) threadlock bought years ago and not yet ever used, and needed for something soon. Things have come to a pretty pass when it's easier and quicker to buy items on ebay than to find the same identical items you know you already have, but just don't know where the bleeding things are exactly.

You were right in another post about the Sahara sand, or perhaps it's salt residue, but the car is covered in gritty brown dust. We need some blessed rain, the heavier and longer the better to loosen it all then I can take the car to the jet wash to blast it off then home again for a therapeutic hand-wash with bucket and sponge.
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Re: The C-word

Post by Robsey »

Pouring over a few buckets of water or gentle rinsing with a hose pipe would be enough to loosen the sand.
It is only sat there, not stuck on or in-grained.

As for typos... if any really annoy you, just let me know (by PM) and I will try to sort any issues.

As for mental health, on the whole I have been blessed with a low-stress attitude.
Otherwise, I think my job would have got the better of me years ago.
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Re: The C-word

Post by Robsey »

Mk3alan wrote:Wish you well Robsey, NHS staff I think the whole country would agree are doing a fantastic job in these very stressful times, often it seems without additional protection.
There is PPE for all staff, but it is being issued where most required.
General wards and outpatient units are continuing as normal, so only using PPE where required.

The bulk of PPE is where it is needed, on the essential wards. (ICU, HDU, CCU and Covid affected units).
Mk3alan wrote: My son is in the armed response police unit and I have bought a pack of masks for his squad as they have had no additional protection supplied!
I am sure that he is doing a far more important role than I will ever do.

Police officers at all levels are very low in too many peoples opinions, which is a shame, because without them, a lot of people are just self serving thugs.

You only have to look at the recent pack-wolf style stripping of supermarket shelves, and the theft of face masks from clinics and hospitals.

Sometimes I wonder if humanity should be wiped out, and made to start afresh.
I am sure the world would be a better, balanced place.
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