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Post by Mk3alan »

Not solely Cavalier related but like many on here I only have older cars as well as my Cavalier.
All are well looked after and cherished in a way most motorist's wouldn't understand so when I found this video it was most concerning and the way the world is going I believe it has some substance.
Has anyone heard anything about this?


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Re: Worrying

Post by Robsey »

I have not heard anything previously, but I wonder if permanently online would make sense, because I have two vehicles that are stored with all power disconnected.
Surely this would mean that all "unplugged" SORNed vehicles would be uninsurable.

The historic vehicles and restorations world generates a huge amount of revenue for manufacturers and tax for the government.

It would be crazy for insurers to completely obliterate that side of the market. But - I am sure there will always be specialist insurers that will have some facility to cover our older vehicles - presumably pre 1996 vehicles without an EOBD socket are those "at risk".

Anything with CAN networking as in all post 2001 petrol and post 2004 diesels would be easy to piggy-back any type of feedback equipment to.

And anything post 2014 would probably be able to use firmware upgrades to achieve the same ends.

Would it simply require the fitting of an insurer's "black box" that all new drivers tend to need anyway.
And of course there are several Smart-Phone apps that feedback a driving score after each journey.

There are many ways to skin a cat... and probably just as many ways to work around them.
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Re: Worrying

Post by 3cav3 »

This reminds me a bit of the fuss made when compulsory continous insurance was announced, After every one got worked up, it turns out that cars on a sorn kept off road don't need to be insured.

I also can't see the government loosing the revenue that classic cars bring to the economy, if they wanted to they could ban cars over a certain age completely from the roads. Just use ulez as an example, nobody ive ever spoken to thinks its a good idea, yet it went ahead. Instead of penalising users of older cars the government could of offered incentives to use something less polluting. Dont even get me started on the pollution it takes to manufacture a new electric car then have to scrap it before 10 years due to battery life.
So personally I'm not going to worry, let's just keep enjoying driving our older cars knowing that they must of reached carbon neutral years ago.
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