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Thanks to all who attended pv today

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 7:26 pm
by Gaz
Gotta say a big thanks to those who made it to pv today for our first show. Im really happy on how it all turned out.
I hope we can carry on this trend on in the future as we get more people involved and grow as a club

Big thanks to tim (sparzzy) for the gazebo and the banner it really set the stand off and gave us all somewhere to get out of the sun oh and the use of the cooker so i had a chance to do my Gordon Ramsey impression with the bacon butties.

I have gotta thank you all for coming.

And those who didn't make it, you missed loads ;) and i hope you make it next time

Sorry we had to dive off early but i hope you can understand in the circumstances.

Gaz and Anita.

Re: Thanks to all who attended pv today

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 8:27 pm
by FoxyCav
should be some cracking pics coming from PVs, only sorry i had to leave early, well 2.30pm cos my sister rang, my dads in a really bad way i'm afraid :cry:

Big thanks to the squiglett for taking charge once we left, you and emma are fantastic hun.
i loved today couldnt have asked for a better bunch of members, and even got people taking flyers and membership forms :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Huge thanks to the following who attended and made the whole day brilliant :

Tim- sparrzy (total star hun, many thanks for banner, gazeebo, and top notch cooking stove :mrgreen: )
Dan and emma- Squiglett, still laughing about your entrance picture :P
Keke and leanne (hope thats how you spell it hun)- fantastic Cav totally stunning
Dave- Hairibo another stunning cav
Dave- daves cavy
Craig- cavyman _130 longest distance travelled i'll bet
Little dave-cav_2.0Gli and his mate (forgot your name hun sorry, think its mike??? ) top notch pair of lads
all the cavs on the stand where gorgeous and i was very proud of our stand
lets hope we can all get together again soon, fantastic bunch :mrgreen:

Re: Thanks to all who attended pv today

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 8:44 pm
by keke
Sorry to hear about your dad anita, hope he gets well soon, it was a great stand and all the cav's were great and you are all fantastic.

Re: Thanks to all who attended pv today

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 9:24 pm
by dave's.veccy
no probs, was a good day, even if it did take me 2 hours to get in :lol:

i hope everything is well Anita

Re: Thanks to all who attended pv today

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 12:15 am
by Squig
FoxyCav wrote:Dan and emma- Squiglett, still laughing about your entrance picture :P
Glad people enjoyed me nearly crashing before I'd even pitched the tent! :lol:

Picture will be scanned shortly...

Re: Thanks to all who attended pv today

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:09 am
by FoxyCav
Anyone got any pics to post up? want to see what the stand looked like with all the Cavs on, kinda cool we where next to the cav Turbo Owners register as well :mrgreen:

Re: Thanks to all who attended pv today

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 11:13 am
by cav_2.0_gli
hello all,

i would like to say a big thanks aswell to everyone at PVS.
you were all such a welcoming group, and i felt proper at home with you lot.
i feel honoured to be part of group like this. you should be very proud of this group!
i shall be definately attending as many shows and club related events as my walet will let me!

managed to shift quite a few leaflets off my cav alone, so hopefully will get quite a few more people joining soon!

also, i'd like to say big thanks for squiggy & Emma for waiting for over an hour outside for me n mike, and then guiding us to the M1. i blame the fact that my cav jumps out of 3rd gear the reason why i couldnt keep up until it was in higher revs in 4th lol.

im just about to upload some pics. Mike will send me the rest that he took asap, and il upload them too.

see you all soon, and take care.

p.s, hope your dad is well soon Anita!

Re: Thanks to all who attended pv today

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 11:47 am
by cav_2.0_gli
heres the pics i took of the show.


heres the majority of the pics i took, which were of my cav lol:


heres my enterance pic:

and heres me chasing Squiggy down the M1:

i was going to photoshop it into the style of a police camera action video lol, but i forgot how photoshop works haha.

i throughly enjoyed yesterday, you lot are a great bunch of people, and i really hope i see you again soon!!!


Re: Thanks to all who attended pv today

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 2:52 pm
by FoxyCav
cool pics dave, least someone got one of mine :lol: :lol:

thing squiggy has some good pics, he's got one of my Cav on the move on the way down, looks brilliant :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

i loved this event, and meeting everyone, we've got a great bunch of peeps, just sorry i had to scoot off early.
dad is now in critical care unit :cry: but ive been to see him and hes a bit better than yesterday so thats summat good :mrgreen:

Think this is THE best car show event i've been too (bar the trade stands being a bit crap) ive attended. Campsite was bloody horrendous though, like a swamp, wont be doing that again :roll:
Convoy was great on the way down, we even managed to pick up a lost Nova who followed us into Santa Pod. :mrgreen:
i got some nice goodies, thanks to Dave (hairibo) and a Mint condition cesaro off Turbodel (vxon)

And my hug off Mark (off vxon and here) on Sunday :mrgreen: Nice to see you again huni.

my sunburnt shoulders are stinging a bit but its all part of the fun.............roll on next year :mrgreen:

Oh BTW i left the newsletters at home :oops: so if you want one please pm me your addressess. :mrgreen:

Re: Thanks to all who attended pv today

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 4:55 pm
by cav_2.0_gli
no problem.

mike has many many more pics of the show, he's gona put them on disc for me, so i can upload them on the site (wont be for 2 weeks time though when i next see him)

and i loved the show too! definately going again next year. i wasnt too sure on camping either, and after seeing the state of the field on sun morn, im glad i didnt!!

yer, the trade stalls were abit of a disappointment, but atleast i got some lovely S/S cavalier V6 sill covers for £20.

lol, we met a bloke in a nova at the services on M1 near J21a, who's headgasket had blown, and he had to stay the night there! poor chap.

still, all in all, it was a great day out!

BTW, thanks for that Total Vaux mag Anita!

Re: Thanks to all who attended pv today

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 6:01 pm
by Paul
Looks like you had really outstanding day! Shame, I never managed to get my arse there! Looking forward to see new members joining and more pics and vids from event! :)


Re: Thanks to all who attended pv today

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 6:57 pm
by Cavyman_130
well this is me finally online since the weekend, had one heck of a drive home ahead of me so didnt get home till v.early hours this morning then had to get up for work :lol:

was worth it though, was a great show and the stand was mint, was great putting faces to names etc. I have pics but no got them uploaded yet 8-)

Re: Thanks to all who attended pv today

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:03 pm
by FoxyCav
Thanks for being there hun, i no it was a hell of a long drive for you. though you never stopped polishing your cav all day :P
i love you guys, you made the whole day complete for me, my dream come true :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
the stand looked fantastic thanks to you guys hard work and Tim, bloke is a bloody star :mrgreen:

Re: Thanks to all who attended pv today

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 11:25 pm
by Squig
sorry guys still not got home yet on account of having a total lazy day... pics go up tomorrow :oops:

As said really enjoyed myself, roll on VBOA :D

Re: Thanks to all who attended pv today

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 9:43 pm
by Cavyman_130
:D had to keep the cav looking shiny, hate dust :lol:

was no bother at all really, I really enjoyed myself and as said, it was great to meet everyone 8-)

Re: Thanks to all who attended pv today

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 1:23 am
by Adamw5433
cav_2.0_gli wrote:heres the pics i took of the show.
and heres me chasing Squiggy down the M1:

i was going to photoshop it into the style of a police camera action video lol, but i forgot how photoshop works haha.
looked look a good turn out in general wish i could of been there... '09 maybe.

did the police thng for ya.... just for a bit of daft.


Re: Thanks to all who attended pv today

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 3:13 pm
by FoxyCav
you should get yourself there adam, it was a total blast, brilliant people and the stand looked fab :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: Thanks to all who attended pv today

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 1:47 am
by Adamw5433
FoxyCav wrote:you should get yourself there adam, it was a total blast, brilliant people and the stand looked fab :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

If i can get the time off work, have the money for petrol, (£15 a litre by then) and have the cavy in a presentable manner....
By presentable i mean not having the boot full of car paint, industrial glue, door cards, window regulators, car polish, clay bars,.... then having the rear seats put down for room for the old steelies. lol

Then yes i'll be there
