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Updated fleet! Two cavs and a ashtray!

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 3:15 pm
by 5853moore
Thought I had better show my face about here. seeing as I have finally updated my 10 year old computer and I can do things without them taking 3 hours!

My sri: its more of a ornament at the moment I think ive used it three times in the last year and included to be moted. it will be coming off the road when the insurance is due up next month as cant warrant paying the tax and insurance on it for something I don't use!

The v6: Its my other half's cav of choice progress is slow as of late due to work and general enthusiasm towards cars has gone out the window at the moment.


The ashtray. Bought this due to getting bored of buying cheap cars and spending every spare moment and my spare cash fixing them!


Re: Updated fleet! Two cavs and a ashtray!

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 7:03 pm
by James McGrath
Looking good.

I'm in a similar situation with the LS. I only took it out to go to club meets and events last year.
I'm going to wait until the end of September and then take it off the road for 6 months.

Not bad for an ashtray all things considered. :thumb

Re: Updated fleet! Two cavs and a ashtray!

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 8:49 pm
by Cavalier342
So weird seeing my old V6 looking so different :lol:

I do like your matching Cavalier fleet though, you've got the best of both, a sporty practical hatchback AND a tear-it up motorway cruiser sedan.. You've got the right idea there.

Re: Updated fleet! Two cavs and a ashtray!

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 11:29 pm
by Robsey
Well you chose a perfect car if you do not want to faff in the garage.

There is virtually nothing that a diy mechanic can do on any post 2013 Vauxhall.
Modifications and upgrades will be nigh on impossible.