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XE powered 1982 talbot sunbeam

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:47 pm
by Gaz
Much to the annoyance of foxycav ive got a 1982 talbot sunbeam ti that i bought when i sold my cav gsi that was a little "suspect". It was great rattling and bouncing arround on a daily basis with rwd and twin webbers 1.6 8v on T40's popping and banging on overun


So after about 2/3 months using it daily and going deaf in the process i had an accident -well i didnt some old duffer in a mondeo hit me in traffic while i was stood still

nothing bad as the boot floor was untouched and the welds at either end popped to save the rest of the car after a nice payout i bought the vectra and used that daily instead


so im at a point now where the sunbeam has been sat and deserves somthing doing with it

while i was on msn haynzee (some of you may know him) decided i should fit an xe to it - now ive got a xe engine in the garage so it was going to waste sitting there and when he found a crossmember on ebay

" You are invited to bid on a very rare engine crossmember to fit the Vauxhall engine straight into a Talbot Sunbeam. This was bought by me earlier this year when i dabbled with the idea of fitting a Vauxhall engine into my Sunbeam. I have since changed my plans and this is now surplus to requirement. This is a superbly engineered piece of kit, and comes complete with modified track rod ends which are rose jointed. this crossmember is designed to be used with a MK2 Escort steering rack, which may make getting hold of parts a bit cheaper as Escort racks are more plentiful.

Happy bidding!"


so it was late night so i bought it

The intention is to get it dipped back to metal and strengthen the whole thing and uprate/renew as i go, its not going to be an all out power car more somthing with a good chunk of power that i can use at the weekends that wont be highly tuned so its reliable

Now ive gotta find all the gubbins to make the xe rwd along with a twin 40's mainold and a new exhaust mainold