Doctor Who

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James McGrath
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Doctor Who

Post by James McGrath »

Ok, I admit it. If it's one thing I'm more nerdy about than Cavaliers, it's Doctor Who. Preferably the classic stuff. By that I mean the original run between 1963 and 1989.

I was born a bit too late to watch them on their original TV runs however, I was lucky enough to catch a repeat on BBC 2 of Spearhead From space when I was 7, the VHS tapes soon followed and I've been hooked ever since.

I've always said Jon Pertwee was my favourite Doctor, probably because he was the first one I saw, but I consider Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker to be "the big three" as it were.

So, I'm interested, what are your experiences and memories of this pokey British Si-Fi show?
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by humbucker »

I must admit, I do love classic 'Who. I grew up watching Peter Davison (did you know that he's David Tennant's father-in-law?! Being a Time Lord is clearly a family affair!) and Sylvester McCoy, but my favourite Doctor has to be Tom Baker. I met him once, during a Doctor Who exhibition at the Letchworth Garden City museum. Anthony Ainley (The Master) was there too. It was brilliant. Baker is barking mad.

And if you're in any doubt, you should read this extraordinary account of his life. It really is a great read:

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Re: Doctor Who

Post by Robsey »

Hmm - yes Tom Baker was the one I grew up with after John Pertwee.
All those before Tom were a bit too dramatic and sinister.

Tom brought about a lighter side to eccentricity...

I do recall Peter Davidson landing Concorde in a simulator... not many other episodes are that memorable.

Sylvester McCoy... couldn't take him seriously as a Doctor... he was in too much daft stuff before this job role.
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Re: Doctor Who

Post by James McGrath »

Tom Baker lives only a few miles away from me. I've seen him a few times now in Robertsbridge high street!

I have to say some of the stories coming out during the Baker era were some of the best pieces of television of the era. Genesis of the Daleks, The ark in Space, Pyramids of Mars, Seeds of Doom the list just goes on and on.

Patrick Troughton had his fair share of greats though. Tomb of the Cybermen has to be one of the best ever and I've always had a massive soft spot for The Mind Robber.
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